This page describes the privacy policy that covers the use and protection of information submitted by visitors. If you make a transaction or send an email that contains personal information, this information may be shared with other public agencies to help provide more efficient and effective services.
No personal information will be collected while you browse this website except for information submitted by you via email.
This website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to this website. It should be noted that linked websites may have different privacy policies and visitors are advised to review and understand the privacy policies of each website they visit.
If this privacy policy is amended, the amendment will be updated on this page. By browsing this page regularly, you will be updated with the latest information, how to use this page and how information is shared with other parties in certain circumstances.
We collect user information to identify the background of users who are members of this site. All information collected is for our use and will not be shared with any mass mailing agency that makes a profit by selling email lists.
The list of users has increased to over 500 people. After checking the list of names we found that there are users who did not enter the information correctly. We will further tighten the registration process and to registered users we recommend that you take action to update your data by following the prescribed format.
We are also building the RMN Site community to be more robust. The information you enter will make it easier for other users to contact you. Communities such as Veterans, Currently Serving Students, etc. will be created. You may access other users' information (restricted) for any communication purpose. (Warning: If you are reported to be harassing any user your account will be cancelled.
We will also not use this information for purposes other than making this site more user-friendly and accessible. In addition, we also collect information such as operating system, web browser and IP address. This is intended to provide demographics of users visiting our site and to ensure our site is generally and widely accessible regardless of operating system or web browser.